Protecting against fraud

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Titan offers a lot of protect possibilities against fraud.

Security rules settings, Security section in Administration Panel
IP blocking settings, Security section in Administration Panel
AdBlock software settings, Security section in Administration Panel
Captcha settings, Security section in Administration Panel

Security rules

To set up, go to Admin PanelSecuritySecurity rules

You can add new rules and block members. You have three types of blocking your users: select username, select IP or select country. You can write a note ("Comment") just to remember why you blocked some members, No one can see it, it just for your information.

IP blocking

To set up, go to Admin PanelSecurityIP blocking

You can add IP range which you want to block.

AdBlock software

AdBlock software - can block some of Titan features.  It is highly recommended for your members to disable it (add an exception for your website). Please note that with AdBlock enabled, some Titan features will not work properly. Your members won't be able to access the website until the adblock is disabled. Our Anti-AdBlock software blocks 100% of available AdBlocks, so you are fully protected.

General settings

To set up, go to Admin PanelSecurityAdBlock software

You can choose from two policy options: deny access for logged-in members, which is recommended or deny access for all.


Captcha (Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart) - type of challenge-response test used in computing to determine whether or not the user is human. In Titan, Captcha is located in following pages: Register, Login, Surf Ad, Send a support ticket, Add new friend, Send new message, Add Banner Campaign for approval (banner auctions).

General settings

To set up, go to Admin PanelSecurityCaptcha


You can enable one from three Captcha options:

  1. Google Captcha (reCaptcha)
  2. SolveMedia (this option give you possibility to earn money, read more Solve Media)
  3. Titan

You can enable option which let your members choose their desired Captcha type in UserSettings.

See also