Titan 6013 Update

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Official update to TITAN Script released on 15.03.2018. Full changelog can be found below:

- Added new product: TITAN ICO
- Added option to add DailyMotion Widget code via Admin Panel
- Added option to set minimum wait time between each withdrawal (depend on membership)
- Fixed bug with displaying Login Ads in Advertiser menu if it only element of it
- Updated CKEditor Plugin to the latest version
- Updated CPA/GPT Offers section in Admin Panel
- Fixed issue with Coinpayments deposits (related to confirmatios limit)
- Added lock money settings if they are used in Internal Exchange
- Added Coinhive captcha
- Added Addon Coinhive claim
- Added option to change roles of each user (AP -> Members -> Member List)
- Added option to change role of all users (AP -> Members -> Settings)
- Fixed bug with displaying users on dashboard map
- Added option to set referrer to all users that don't have referrer
- Fixed bug with displaying cryptocurrency amount info for Deposit transactions (AP -> Money -> Transactions)
- Added possibility to disable buying upgrade via balances
- Added option to enable PTC Feedback Captcha
- Added option for admin to remove payment address of user
- Fixed bug with displaying After Login Popup
- Fixed bug with uploading Logo/Favicon
- Fixed bug with saving 'Show site name' feature
- Fixed issues with Theme activation
- Added "Portuguese  - Brazil" to available language codes
- Fixed bug with decimal places settings when website currency was set to Cryptocurrency
- Fixed couple of bugs on Deposit page
- Fixed CAP/GPT network offer paging and filters
- Change CPA/GPT new and ingnore offers to manage offers and add status filter
- Added withdrawing any Internal Exchange offer from admin panel
- Fixed GPT network offer paging and filters
- Added option to turn off case sensitive checking of banned words in shoutbox
- Fixed issue with deposit textbox decimal point in Firefox
- Fixed core issues with Money and CryptocurrencyMoney classes
- Fixed serious issue with Coinpayments API
- Added option to deposit money directly into points
- Renamed CPA/GPT to CPA/GPT Offers
- Added option to buy jackpot tickets via paymant processors
- Fixes offerwall crediting settings
- Added link to latest news to footer
- Improve looks of Custom Fields GridView in Admin Panel (Members -> Registration)
- Fixed bugs with memberships order on upgrade page
- Increased length of custom payment processor address from 40 to 120 (Editing members in AP)
- Fixed bug with multiple earning from TE