Titan 6020 Update

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Revision as of 13:39, 14 September 2018 by Admin (talk | contribs)
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Official update to TITAN Script released on 14.09.2018. Full changelog can be found below:

- Added support for automatic (!) ERC20 token deposits in the Infura Payment Gateway
- Added double quotes to referral links & banners
- Fixed issue with PVP Jackpot stage non-integer costs
- Fixed issue with the reactivation of the account during the login
- Changed 302 redirection to 301 redirection (for better SEO)
- Fixed bug with displaying CaptchMe captcha in user settings
- Fixed bug with included rejected payouts request in Maximum paid out amount on withdrawal page
- Fixed bug with returning money to representatives, from rejected disputes
- Added option to multiple documents KYC Verification (Verification upon payout)
- Added option to add rejection reason for verification documents (for Verification upon payout)
- Added wallet support for Dice Game
- Added categories to marketplace on user side
- Fixed bug with saving XRP Wallet address in users settings
- Fixed bug with including rented referrals into direct referrals(AP)
- Fixed bug with displaying "no contest" information, even if contest is active
- Added information about being credited for dailymotion videos
- Added new type of automatic Affiliate Network - AdscendMedia
- Fixed bug with not banning due to Ip range during registration
- Added support for token deposits in the Infura Payment Gateway
- Updated admin panel dashboard users statistics - now all statuses of users are considered
- Fixed bug with buying referrals who are already in user upline tree
- Fixed bug with requirements PIN on password reset, when PIN is disabled
- Added option to choose balance (purchase or cash) for PvP Jackpots
- From now rejected payout requests will also return withdrawal fee
- Fixed bug with constant decimal places for all balance logs. From now decimal places will depend on wallet/balance settings
- Google 2FA can be enabled in Admin Panel(for co-admins too)
- From now, balances division chart, on users' dashboard, doesn't display balances that are 0
- From now, exporting payout requests to CSV takes filters into consideration 
- Added option to enable/disable deposit/withdrawal for each wallet
- Removed empty processors from "Available funds" chart in Admin Panel dashboard
- Fixed bug with displaying removed usernames in payment proofs bar
- Added new type of end to banner packs - specific day (one banner will be displayed whole day)
- Now clicks and impressions for banner packs can be used at the same time
- Fixed a lot of small bugs, and improve managing banners in Admin Panel
- Added statistics about house edge commissions to Dice Game
- Fixed issue with KYC Verifications not showing up in Admin Panel Pending Approval
- Fixed issue with CINT crediting
- Added option to add rejection reason to rejected payout requests
- Added option to upload example documents in KYC Verifications (verification upon payout)