AdPacks Types

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Types settings, AdPacks section in Administration Panel

AdPacks Type settings can be done in Admin PanelRevenue SharingAdPacks

AdPacks Type settings, AdPacks section in Administration Panel

You can create unlimited number of AdPacks types if you have activated TITAN Revenue Sharing. In types section you can name the AdPack and set the price. To set up all the details you need to click "Edit" button next to your AdPack. Edit details of AdPacks Types in table below.

Field Description
Profits Return percentage(ROI) specify the percentage of AdPack price that's going to be returned
Repurchase percentage percent of ROI (Return On Investment) that will be credited to Purchase Balance.

(The remaining amount will go to Main Balance. Requires TITAN Revenue Sharing/Repurchase rules.)

Exposure Ad display time how long the ad is going to be displayed
Clicks number of clicks in a singe pack
Normal/Constant Banner impression number of Normal/Constant Banner impression
Restrictions Maximum Instances maximum number od AdPacks of this type that a single user can buy. Only active AdPacks are taken into account
Required membership members to whom AdPacks are addressed
Minimum number of previous type users won't be able to buy this type of AdPack unless they buy at least the specified number of AdPacks of previous type
Available for Custom Groups enable or disable AdPacks of this type to be added to Custom Groups